Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ephesians 4

Day 1

Read Ephesians 4

When reading this passage what were some initial questions that came to mind as you were reading? For example, when I read verse 17, I wondered why exactly he was pointing out the Gentiles.

Use your study bible or online resources to find out the answers.

Also, find a word that jumped out at you and find out what it means in its original language.

What are your takeaways from this chapter? Were any of the words particularly convicting?

Day 2

Read 1-6

Real talk: Are you walking in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called? Ask God in prayer about this. Do a true self-assessment. Do any areas of your life need change? What can you do differently today to walk in a manner worthy of your calling?

Humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another in love- do any of these describe you? I'm not really good with any of these. I forget that these aren't just qualities of nice people, but they are qualities of mature believers. These are qualities of Jesus and we are supposed to look like Him. Ah (I need a screaming face emoticon here). How can you see God trying to perfect this in your life/ bring them out of you?

What do you think Paul means by "one hope"?

Day 3


What the heck is Paul talking about in these verses?

What verse is Paul quoting in verse 8?

Paul says, "...that he might fill all things" in verse 10. This is seemingly ambiguous and I have tried to figure out exactly what this means but simply I think Paul is showing us that Jesus came to be everything to everyone. He keeps His promises. When have you discovered that knowing that God keeps His promises provided the strength and trust to walk through an otherwise very difficult experience? (question taken from here)

Day 4


Here we go y'all. These verse are a big part of the reason I chose Ephesians for us to study. So our church spent a lot of time here. At first read what do you think is the meaning of these verses? Pray about this. Really spend time here because we've all had our questions. 

Maybe you've come to a different conclusion than Justin/The Eden Gate regarding these passages. Indulge me and talk about what your think your calling is?

How do you think understanding your calling can bring you freedom? 

Why do you think it's important to understand your calling?

Do you struggle with your calling or the idea of having a calling? If so, why? 

Day 5


As previously mentioned, I was a little confused by what Paul meant when he was seemingly bashing the Gentiles. I thought, "man, didn't he come to spread the Good News to them?!" Upon further reading I understand that he was writing to Gentile readers and telling them to not be like the non-believing Gentiles (or how these newly believing Gentiles used to be). Paul tells us to leave our old life behind.

In what ways are you trying to cling to your old life/ In what ways are you trying to cling to sin? 

Satan wants you to feel overwhelmed by the idea that you are to look like Christ. We must remember that Jesus' death on the cross equipped us to look like Him. We don't have to try to be someone else. We have to stopping trying and start surrendering to the will of God. We have to get out of the mentality that we have to try to be good. In what ways do you struggle with this? 

What is the practical daily-value of knowing the huge chasm between who we were and who we are, because of “Whose” we are, and how critical that is in our battle to successfully resist Satan’s manipulations?

How have you found a way to avoid the people and the places that are rife with temptation, never underestimating either our vulnerability or our enemy?

The last 2 questions came from here

Day 6


When I read this passage, I just think that if we actually put this into practice, how different the Church would look. Paul gives us several ways to edify our lives. Which one speaks to you (i.e. which do you  need the most help with)? 

Paul uses the example of a thief in verse 28. What do you think he is trying to say here? What's his point? (I had to read the notes in my study bible to get the point)

How have you seen the Lord help you to look more like His Son? In what ways have you seen changes in your life since becoming a Christian (or actually deciding to walk as a Christian)? 

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