Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ephesians 4

Day 1

Read Ephesians 4

When reading this passage what were some initial questions that came to mind as you were reading? For example, when I read verse 17, I wondered why exactly he was pointing out the Gentiles.

Use your study bible or online resources to find out the answers.

Also, find a word that jumped out at you and find out what it means in its original language.

What are your takeaways from this chapter? Were any of the words particularly convicting?

Day 2

Read 1-6

Real talk: Are you walking in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called? Ask God in prayer about this. Do a true self-assessment. Do any areas of your life need change? What can you do differently today to walk in a manner worthy of your calling?

Humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another in love- do any of these describe you? I'm not really good with any of these. I forget that these aren't just qualities of nice people, but they are qualities of mature believers. These are qualities of Jesus and we are supposed to look like Him. Ah (I need a screaming face emoticon here). How can you see God trying to perfect this in your life/ bring them out of you?

What do you think Paul means by "one hope"?

Day 3


What the heck is Paul talking about in these verses?

What verse is Paul quoting in verse 8?

Paul says, "...that he might fill all things" in verse 10. This is seemingly ambiguous and I have tried to figure out exactly what this means but simply I think Paul is showing us that Jesus came to be everything to everyone. He keeps His promises. When have you discovered that knowing that God keeps His promises provided the strength and trust to walk through an otherwise very difficult experience? (question taken from here)

Day 4


Here we go y'all. These verse are a big part of the reason I chose Ephesians for us to study. So our church spent a lot of time here. At first read what do you think is the meaning of these verses? Pray about this. Really spend time here because we've all had our questions. 

Maybe you've come to a different conclusion than Justin/The Eden Gate regarding these passages. Indulge me and talk about what your think your calling is?

How do you think understanding your calling can bring you freedom? 

Why do you think it's important to understand your calling?

Do you struggle with your calling or the idea of having a calling? If so, why? 

Day 5


As previously mentioned, I was a little confused by what Paul meant when he was seemingly bashing the Gentiles. I thought, "man, didn't he come to spread the Good News to them?!" Upon further reading I understand that he was writing to Gentile readers and telling them to not be like the non-believing Gentiles (or how these newly believing Gentiles used to be). Paul tells us to leave our old life behind.

In what ways are you trying to cling to your old life/ In what ways are you trying to cling to sin? 

Satan wants you to feel overwhelmed by the idea that you are to look like Christ. We must remember that Jesus' death on the cross equipped us to look like Him. We don't have to try to be someone else. We have to stopping trying and start surrendering to the will of God. We have to get out of the mentality that we have to try to be good. In what ways do you struggle with this? 

What is the practical daily-value of knowing the huge chasm between who we were and who we are, because of “Whose” we are, and how critical that is in our battle to successfully resist Satan’s manipulations?

How have you found a way to avoid the people and the places that are rife with temptation, never underestimating either our vulnerability or our enemy?

The last 2 questions came from here

Day 6


When I read this passage, I just think that if we actually put this into practice, how different the Church would look. Paul gives us several ways to edify our lives. Which one speaks to you (i.e. which do you  need the most help with)? 

Paul uses the example of a thief in verse 28. What do you think he is trying to say here? What's his point? (I had to read the notes in my study bible to get the point)

How have you seen the Lord help you to look more like His Son? In what ways have you seen changes in your life since becoming a Christian (or actually deciding to walk as a Christian)? 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ephesians 3

Day 1

Read Ephesians 3. For today don't read this out of your Bible. Read what I have posted below. Come up with a title to this chapter. In study Bibles there are headings to chapters that give an idea of what that chapter is going to be about. Come up with your own.

Also write out the main points you think Paul is trying to convey to the Ephesians.

What does this mean to you?

When I think of all this, I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for the benefit of you Gentiles[a] . . . assuming, by the way, that you know God gave me the special responsibility of extending his grace to you Gentiles. As I briefly wrote earlier, God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me. As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets.
And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.[b] By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News.
Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. I was chosen to explain to everyone[c] this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.
10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. 11 This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.
12 Because of Christ and our faith in him,[d] we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. 13 So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honored.
14 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,[e] 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.[f] 16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Day 2

Read verses 1-4.

What do you think Paul means when he says that he is a prisoner of Jesus Christ for the sake of the Gentiles?

Read Paul's conversion story (Acts 9:1-19).

Paul was the Jew of Jews. He persecuted Christians. He didn't have time for Gentiles, but then God called him to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. Who would have thought?! How has God used you in a way (or ways) you never expected?

What's another story in the Bible where God used someone unexpected to serve a specific purpose?

Day 3

Read verses 5-10

Paul has mentioned several times the fact that the Gentiles also have access to Christ. It occurred to me how foreign of a concept this was to the Jews but also the Gentiles. Remember throughout the entire Old Testament and the 400 year period before the New Testament was written, Jews were the only people who had a connection to God. That connection was through their priests but the Gentiles had no way to God. So the initial hesitation by some of the Jews to accept the Gentiles is more understandable.  In modern days, I think we have a hard time believing or accepting some people as Christians or capable of salvation.

Who have you met or known that you thought was beyond redemption? What made you feel this way?

What group of people seems particularly unreachable? How can we reach those people?

What is your favorite redemption story in the Bible? Why?

God called Paul to minister to the Gentiles and that irony is not lost on Paul. He recognizes that he is not worthy of such a calling. At this point what is God calling you to do that you may not feel worthy or capable of doing?

Let's praise the Lord again for saving the Gentiles! Thank Him for tearing the curtain that separated the people from Him. Thank Him for the Holy Spirit which connects us directly to Him.

Day 4

Read 11-13.

There is a lot of power packed in these 3 verses. Paul acknowledges that God had an eternal purpose for God's redemption (for mankind) in Christ. Think about eternity. Eternity. God has always had this planned out. That blows my mind.

How does this help you think of/understand God? How can we move that awe into action?

Verse 12 is awesome. We have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him.

What does this mean to you? How can this change your prayer life?

In verse 13 Paul asks the Ephesians "not to lose heart" of his suffering. He tells them he is suffering for them. Wow.

What does this mean to you?

Take an honest look at yourself. Are you willing to suffer for God's glory and to help fellow believers and maybe non-believers? If not, how can we get ready?

Day 5

Read 14-21

Paul has another great prayer in 14-19. With one person in mind. Pray this for someone. Put their name in this prayer.

God wants us to have Christ dwelling in our hearts through faith and that we would be rooted & grounded in love. The Lord is rooted and grounded in love, so naturally He wants us to be the same. How does this change your outlook? How would your life look different if everything you did and said was rooted in love?

In verse 20 we read that God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power we have in us (through Him). Just soak that in for a minute. What is one thing you really want/need for good to more than you could ever imagine? How could He blow your socks off?

Now that you have that in mind- remember He can do so much more than you could ever imagine.

Wow. We serve an awesome God.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ephesians 2

Day 1

Read Ephesians 2.

Pick one verse and do a 3 column study on the verse. So you will write out the entire verse in the first column. In the 2nd column you will write out the verse in your own words. In the last column you will write out action steps for that verse. Here is an example of one:

A better explanation of the 3 column study:

Also, pick a verse you want to memorize and write that down somewhere. Maybe you can carry around with you throughout the week. You could even pick the verse you did your 3 column study on. 

Day 2
Read verses 1-3.

God helps those who help themselves, right? Maybe you believe that, but I think these verses tell us something different. We are helpless. We cannot help ourselves. Are you like me and you sometimes depend on yourself to be the solution to your problems? How are you fighting the truth that God is the answer and that we cannot help ourselves? 

In what way can you identify with the description that Paul paints of the unsaved person? He says the unsaved are:
-dead in the trespasses & sins
-following the course of this world
-following the prince of the power of the air (Satan)
-living in the passions of our flesh
-carrying out the desires of the body & mind
-by nature children of wrath

In what ways do you see this represented in the world today?

Day 3

Read verse 4-10

Now for the Good News. God didn't leave us in the state of verses 1-3. Praise the Lord, right?! If you're feeling it, take the time to thank God for not leaving us in our wordly state. Maybe you're like me and you are looking for new ways to thank God and praise God for who He is. This is a little off course, but here are a few names that God has been called throughout the Bible (this came from here):

1) Elohimmeaning “strong one.” It is used of false gods, but when used of the true God, it is a plural of majesty and intimates the trinity. It is especially used of God’s sovereignty, creative work, mighty work for Israel and in relation to His sovereignty (Isa. 54:5Jer. 32:27Gen. 1:1Isa. 45:18Deut. 5:23; 8:15Ps. 68:7).
Compounds of El:
  • El Shaddai:“God Almighty.” The derivation is uncertain. Some think it stresses God’s loving supply and comfort; others His power as the Almighty one standing on a mountain and who corrects and chastens (Gen. 17:1; 28:3; 35:11Ex. 6:1Ps. 91:1, 2).
  • El Elyon: “The Most High God.” Stresses God’s strength, sovereignty, and supremacy (Gen. 14:19Ps. 9:2;Dan. 7:18, 22, 25).
  • El Olam“The Everlasting God.” Emphasizes God’s unchangeableness and is connected with His inexhaustibleness (Gen. 16:13).
(2) Yahweh (YHWH): Comes from a verb which means “to exist, be.” This, plus its usage, shows that this name stresses God as the independent and self-existent God of revelation and redemption (Gen. 4:3Ex. 6:3 (cf. 3:14); 3:12).
Compounds of Yahweh: Strictly speaking, these compounds are designations or titles which reveal additional facts about God’s character.
  • Yahweh Jireh (Yireh): “The Lord will provide.” Stresses God’s provision for His people (Gen. 22:14).
  • Yahweh Nissi:“The Lord is my Banner.” Stresses that God is our rallying point and our means of victory; the one who fights for His people (Ex. 17:15).
  • Yahweh Shalom:“The Lord is Peace.” Points to the Lord as the means of our peace and rest (Jud. 6:24).
  • Yahweh Sabbaoth:“The Lord of Hosts.” A military figure portraying the Lord as the commander of the armies of heaven (1 Sam. 1:3; 17:45).
  • Yahweh Maccaddeshcem: “The Lord your Sanctifier.” Portrays the Lord as our means of sanctification or as the one who sets believers apart for His purposes (Ex. 31:13).
  • Yahweh Ro’i: “The Lord my Shepherd.” Portrays the Lord as the Shepherd who cares for His people as a shepherd cares for the sheep of his pasture (Ps. 23:1).
  • Yahweh Tsidkenu: “The Lord our Righteousness.” Portrays the Lord as the means of our righteousness (Jer. 23:6).
  • Yahweh Shammah: “The Lord is there.” Portrays the Lord’s personal presence in the millennial kingdom (Ezek. 48:35).
  • Yahweh Elohim Israel: “The Lord, the God of Israel.” Identifies Yahweh as the God of Israel in contrast to the false gods of the nations (Jud. 5:3.; Isa. 17:6).
(3) Adonai: Like Elohim, this too is a plural of majesty. The singular form means “master, owner.” Stresses man’s relationship to God as his master, authority, and provider (Gen. 18:2; 40:11 Sam. 1:15Ex. 21:1-6Josh. 5:14).
(4) TheosGreek word translated “God.” Primary name for God used in the New Testament. Its use teaches: (1) He is the only true God (Matt. 23:9Rom. 3:30); (2) He is unique (1 Tim. 1:17John 17:3Rev. 15:4; 16:7); (3) He is transcendent (Acts 17:24Heb. 3:4Rev. 10:6); (4) He is the Savior (John 3:161 Tim. 1:1; 2:3; 4:10). This name is used of Christ as God in John 1:1, 18; 20:281 John 5:20Tit. 2:13Rom. 9:5Heb. 1:82 Pet. 1:1.
(5) Kurios: Greek word translated “Lord.” Stresses authority and supremacy. While it can mean sir (John 4:11), owner (Luke 19:33), master (Col. 3:22), or even refer to idols (1 Cor. 8:5) or husbands (1 Pet. 3:6), it is used mostly as the equivalent of Yahweh of the Old Testament. It too is used of Jesus Christ meaning (1) Rabbi or Sir (Matt. 8:6); (2) God or Deity (John 20:28Acts 2:36Rom. 10:9Phil. 2:11).
(6) DespotesGreek word translated “Master.” Carries the idea of ownership while kurios stressed supreme authority (Luke 2:29Acts 4:24Rev. 6:102 Pet. 2:1Jude 4).
(7) Father:A distinctive New Testament revelation is that through faith in Christ, God becomes our personal Father. Father is used of God in the Old Testament only 15 times while it is used of God 245 times in the New Testament. As a name of God, it stresses God’s loving care, provision, discipline, and the way we are to address God in prayer (Matt. 7:11Jam. 1:17Heb. 12:5-11John 15:16; 16:23Eph. 2:18; 3:151 Thess. 3:11).

Back to Ephesians 2. I looovvvvee verse 10: "For we are his workmanship, created in CHrist Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." We are His workmanship and He designed us to good things. That's exciting to me. So no questions for today. I hope you'll use this time to praise God. Write out specifically which names above you identify with God. For example, maybe Elohim (meaning strong one) is the name of God that you identify with. Maybe now you need a strong God that you can lean on. Maybe you need a Master (Despotes). Our whole lives are different because of what God has done for us as shown in verses 4-10. Let's be thankful for that! 

Day 4

Read 11-13. 

So we're all Gentiles (I don't think any of us come from Jewish descent). Without Jesus' death on the cross we had no hope. To the Jews, Gentiles were the outsiders. I think modern day Christians can sometimes live in a bubble and unintentionally exclude non-believers. We also speak Christianese that can be isolating to non-believers and sometimes new believers as well. So come up with a way to explanation salvation without using Christian terms. For example. try to take out words like "salvation" and "sin." I think we could all say something like "Jesus died on the cross and saved us from our sins so that we can live with him for eternity." But what does that mean? Break it down, yo. 

For inspiration and as promised, an excerpt from The Jesus Storybook Bible: 

"It's not about keeping rules! Paul told people. You don't have to be good at being good for God to love you. You just have to believe what Jesus has done and follow him. Because it's not about trying, it's about trusting. It's not about rules, it's about Grace: God's free gift- that cost him everything... God loves us! he wrote from prison. Nothing can ever- no, not ever! - separate us from the Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love of God he showed us in Jesus!" 

Verse 11 says that the Jews were proud of their circumcision even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts. Throughout the Bible the Jews seemed to get caught up in the appearance of things and sticking to rules without have their hearts changed. In what ways do you or have you put on the appearance of being Christ-like but you really don't have a heart change? 

Day 5

Read 14-16

Christ is/was the unity between the Jews and the Gentiles. He is the peacemaker, but we have to allow Him to be that. In what ways have you seen God bring reconcile a hostile relationship in your life? And/or how could you allow God to reconcile an broken relationships you currently have? 

To me these verses are about unity and oneness in Christ. We have thousands of different Christian denominations which is insanse. What do you think Christ's vision of "The Church" is? Where do we go wrong? How can we help people (and ourselves) focus on that definition of church and not on a building? (question reworded/inspired from here)

As previously discussed, no church is perfect. Our church is certainly not perfect and we've had our issues. However, God keeps revealing to me that church is so much more than what happens on Sunday morning. He's also been convicting me about complaining about it. Complaining is never going to bring about unity, so write a list of the things that you are grateful about your church (both the universal church and your local church). 

Day 6

Read 17-22

The Message for 19-22: "That’s plain enough, isn’t it? You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home."

I love this. We belong. We've all felt like we didn't belong somewhere, but we all belong in the Kingdom of God. I think we have to really soak that in sometimes. I think the Enemy really attacks us here. He likes to make us feel like outsiders, but we all have a purpose and a place in the church.

How does Satan make you feel like you're an outsider? What can you do to combat this? Do a little digging around the Bible to find a specific Scripture that helps you fight the lie that you don't belong. 

How can we make other people feel more welcome (both in the church and in regular day life)? This seems like a generic question but write out real life practical ways you could do this in your everyday life and at church. 

We've all visited a church for the first time. Write about experiences where you felt welcome and not welcome.

Ephesians 1

Day 1

Who wrote Ephesians?

When was Ephesians written?

Why is the author writing this?

What is the setting/background during this time?

Day 2

Read Ephesians 1

How does knowing the background of this book help you understand this chapter? 

Day 3

Read Ephesians 1:1-6

Write about your initial thoughts and feelings about these verses. Does anything jump out at you?

We don't really write letters anymore, so how could we express to other believers the same sentiment of Paul's greeting to the Ephesians (v. 1-2)? 

How do you interpret verse 5? Pay attention to the word "predestined." 

Day 4


"In Him we have redemption through His blood..." This is powerful. Here's an Eden Gate-y question for you: How does this make your life different? What does redemption look like for you? 

The Greek word for redemption comes from the word apolutrosis. The apo- denotes separation, departure, cessastion, completion, reversal, and the word as a whole means ransom in full. Look up the definition for redemption & write it out. 

Why do you need redeeming? (this can definitely be a private question that we don't have to share at Bible study) Sure we are all sinners and everyone needs redemption but why do you specifically need redemption? 

Day 5

Below is The Message's translation of our verses for today. While I wouldn't center my Bible study around The Message translation, I think it is a great tool. When I was reading these 4 verses, I was struggling at the overall message Paul was trying to convey. Reading this translation helped me. Read today's passage in several different translations ( is a great resource and allows you to compare 2 versions side-by-side). 

I think all of you are still in your twenties. Well, I spent most of my twenties acting like a fool, and I certainly wasn't finding out who I was in Christ. I was trying to figure out Casey through the eyes of the world. So now I am excited and hopeful that we can go through this journey together as we discover our Christ-given identity. Figuring it out sooner than later is always better. Arrive at your 30s being awesome in Christ! Write out who you think you are in the world vs. who you think you are in Christ.

How does this different perspective change the way you live your life? 

Are you comforted knowing that God "had his eye on us" all along? 

How do you think your past can help frame your future? 

What does it mean to you to be sealed by the Holy Spirit? 

Ephesians 1:11-14
The Message (MSG)
11-12 It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.
13-14 It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what’s coming, a reminder that we’ll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.

Day 6


I love what Paul writes to the Ephesians here. First, he is lets them know that he is grateful for them, but what he prays is what I love the most. Sometimes I struggle with knowing what to pray for my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. This is a great example. Pray that God would give the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him and that their eyes of their hearts would be enlightened so that they would know of the hope that He has called us to (that's the Casey paraphrase of v 17&18). 

If someone asked you, "how can I pray for you", what would be your response? What do you think you need specific prayer over? 

At the end of this chapter Paul writes about how the church is Christ's body. What do you think this means? 

We've all had our share of problems with the universal Christian church as well as specific local churches. What can we do specifically to be a positive change in our churches and the big church as a whole?